A leaked Whatsapp translation request showed the feature |
News Compressed : The leaked whatsapp translation reveal a new feature in iphone siri voice.
Soon you can make an command on your iphone for sending/reading whastapp messages using siri voice, this feature will be available on ios 10 which expected to release on September.
Iphone the world most selling phone not because of it's features&look but it just because of a rumor that makes iphone user a rich look.
Siri is a feature of iphone first integrated on iphone ios 5 and become famous worldwide. Iphone company apple likes to give their user surprises.
This time a leaked whatsapp translation reveal this new feature of Siri voice commands for sending and reading messages, apart from making voice calls. that will available on ios 10 which will release on september
Before go more further first let's see what is Siri
Siri is a computer program that works as an intelligent personal assistant and knowledge navigator, part of Apple Inc.'s iOS, watchOS, and tvOS operating systems,for more wiki.Before go more further first let's see what is Siri
Siri integration of WhatsApp will comes with iOS 10 is released to iPhone users across the globe, expected to happen soon after the next iPhone launch in September. said ndtv.
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